Tools & Services

Welcome to  IRISS tools and services. Our objective is to make data findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR), in accordance with the FAIR principles. Working together with the scientific community reduces the amount of time, money, and effort required for data collection and analysis.

Here we are presenting our tools and services to provide training material and to share code to assist in your research process. 

In the first phase of IRISS, the project partners (ANU, UQ, UoM, AURIN, ACSPRI, and ARDC) worked with major stakeholders to establish the foundations of the IRISS environment through four key services: an integrated vocabulary and metadata service for the social sciences; a survey data design, collection, and data management service, a research data curation service, and GeoSocial – a service for the integration of spatial aggregate data with individual unit record data.

  • VASSSAL – Vocabulary Access Service for Social Science in AustraLia: an integrated vocabulary and metadata service for the social sciences 
  • SPIRE – Survey Project Integrated Research Environment: a survey data design, collection and data management service, and 
  • CARDSS – Curation of Australian Research Data in the Social Sciences:  a research data curation service 
  • GeoSocial – GeoSocial data integration service: a service for the integration of spatial aggregate data with individual unit record data. 

Set ourselves up to move into a joint integrated world.

IRISS Registry for Survey Harmonisation

The IRISS metadata registry for Survey Harmonization is designed with a suite of features catering to its users’ diverse needs. These features are crafted to ensure ease of use, data integrity, and flexibility.

Key features include: Item Management, Group Management, Cross-referencing & Controlled Vocabulary Management

It aims to: 

  • Enhance Data Usability
  • Facilitate Cross-survey Analysis
  • Track Metadata
  • Manage Relationships


The GeoSocial solution allows researchers to link Australia’s largest longitudinal surveys with geospatial statistical data derived from the Australian Census of Population and Housing. GeoSocial will empower Australia’s large cross-disciplinary social research community to identify patterns, make predictions, and inform social policy using rich integrated GeoSocial data.

Lime Survey

LimeSurvey allows users to quickly create intuitive, powerful online forms and surveys. The survey software is self-guiding for the respondents. Their manuals show how to install the application on your own server (although we strongly recommend our Cloud version for full support), administer the installation, as well as support survey creators, administrators, and users who need to generate reports.

Curation and Data Risk Assessment Tool (CARAT)

The ADA CARAT tool is an R-based data management tool to guide users to curate and assess their own data on a series of data quality and privacy criteria in preparation for dissemination or submission. It  includes pop-up educational suggestions and definitions of data privacy risk, as well as example output using live synthesised data to reflect de-identification options selected by the user.  

The current tool capabilities include data cleaning, flagging direct and indirect identifiers, and generating standardised vocabulary suggestions.